Why Car Dealerships Should Be Using Virtual Tours

Car Dealerships Should Be Using Virtual Tours

From the perspective of a potential customer, a 360° car virtual tour would make searching for a new vehicle a breeze. Virtual tours are fantastic for real estate and can be equally fantastic for car dealerships. We know that virtual tours for homes can increase the chances of potential buyers choosing that home versus one with just photos. Dealerships can leverage car virtual tours to do the same for their cars.

Dealerships That Have Virtual Tours are Noticed More

The shopping experience for a new vehicle can make or break a sale with potential buyers. When a customer can avoid feeling pressured or rushed into a sale while taking a virtual tour of the dealership’s inventory, it can enhance the customer experience. When they can see all the details in the car from the comfort of their couch and know what they’re looking for when they come to the dealership, it can create an accessible and approachable environment.

Potential Buyers Spend More Time on Listings with Virtual Tours

When someone is seriously looking for a new vehicle and visits a dealership, they want to spend time in the car they’re interested in, imagine themselves owning it and ensure everything looks how it should. A car virtual tour offers almost the same experience, except for the test drive. Potential buyers tend to spend up to six times more time on a virtual listing versus one with only still photos.

Virtual Tours Generate Leads and Sales

Research has shown that 360° Car Virtual Tours increase traffic significantly by over 40%. This number explodes to 130% for people aged 18 to 34. Having virtual tours on your website is a small investment with the potential for a huge return.

Interested Buyers can Shop Anytime, and Tours are Viewable on all Devices

The ultimate convenience is being able to shop anytime from anywhere. Taking detailed virtual tours from any device is helpful and suitable for almost everyone. Affording that ability to customers will make them feel great about your dealership and have them be more knowledgeable when they come to visit.

The Best 360° Car Virtual Tours

Executive Virtual Tours specializes in helping car dealerships distinguish themselves from the competition with an unparalleled virtual tour experience of their vehicles. Potential buyers can enjoy an innovative and immersive experience viewing your available vehicles for sale from anywhere at any time. Car virtual tours are incredibly helpful in generating leads and creating sales opportunities. Give your customers a high-quality virtual tour experience.

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