Making Insurance Claims Easier with 360 Virtual Tours

Insurance Claims Easier with 360 Virtual Tours

It’s not uncommon for homeowners and business owners to catalogue collections and valuables with photographs and lists to ensure they have proof of ownership and condition should they need to file an insurance claim at some point. However, many don’t think about documenting conditions or contents as thoroughly when it comes to larger properties, such as a home or office. This is a crucial aspect that often gets overlooked, but with 360 virtual tours, you can now easily and comprehensively document the condition and contents of your entire property, whether it’s your home or place of business, making the insurance process much easier in the event of a claim.

Here’s how 360 Virtual Tours can help you ensure you get what you’re owed in the event of a break-in or property damage.

Accurate & Clear Documentation of Owned Property

If your property has been damaged or stolen, it’s important to have documentation of its original condition or that you owned it in the first place. This can be difficult to prove when dealing with contents insurance; however, with a 360 virtual tour that provides a detailed view of your property and its contents, you can easily provide your insurance adjuster with the information they need to assess damage or loss.

Evidence of Damage

In addition to documenting your property’s original condition, a 360 virtual tour can be used to document damages after a disaster. This can help adjusters accurately’ assess damages and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Remote Assessment

In some cases, a property may be unsafe to enter after a disaster but with a 360 virtual tour, property owners and insurance adjusters can get a good look at the aftermath without endangering themselves.

Schedule a 360 Virtual Tour

360 virtual tours are a great way to improve the insurance claim process. They can provide insurance companies with more detailed information about the original condition of a property, as well as damages after a storm, fire, burglary, or other disaster.

Contact us to schedule an appointment with Executive Virtual Tours and learn more about how 360 virtual tours can help your insurance claims easier.

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